@riston consulting designs, develops, implements and offers solutions based on high-end stable Open Source products which are customised by @riston consulting and her collaborators, as well as by other reputable Open Source organisatoins, thus offering affordable solutions.
@riston consulting offers complete solutions and services for the creation of Internet sites, Portals, Intranets and Extranets, creating web-based systems including workflows and e-Commerce options (with B2Β and B2C) for national and international e-shops.
@riston consulting provides its customers with the necessary support for the full utilisation of the Internet: information, product marketing, ease of communication and interactive transactions are permanent factors which reduce costs, increase sales and productivity, ammeliorate relationships between organisations and their clients, and increase the bond with their personnel and business collaborators, all serving to maximize profit.
One of the strategic targets of @riston consulting is the constant increase of their clients; satisfaction via reliable solutions and services of high calibre and specifications. To reach this goal, Top Management has decided to implement a system of internal organisation based on procedures and protocols for all her operations. At the same time, we have developed a series of checks and valves for the constant, per project, evaluation and constant improvement of all collaborators, setting a goal for all management to be certified by the P.M.I. (Project Management Institute). https://www.pmi.org